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Welcome to Hawthorn District 73! We are so glad you will be joining us this school year. 

Registration Schedule & Fees

  • For early entrance information, please refer to our Early Entrance page
  • Please refer to our Preschool page for preschool screening dates
  • Kindergarten/New Student Registration (see below) opens the start of February
  • Returning Student Registration (see below) opens after Spring Break

Students who are registered prior to May 1 will receive a 10% discount on the registration fee! Fees will not be collected at the time of registration. After Sept. 15, fees will be applied based on Free/Reduced status for the current school year. 

Returning Student Registration

Access online registration via the PowerSchool Parent PortalEach student at Hawthorn requires a separate registration. Completion of the full registration process is necessary for students to receive their teacher assignment and bus route for the upcoming school year. Register before May 1 to receive a 10% discount on the registration fees.

If students are not returning to Hawthorn in the fall, please contact your child's school building as soon as you know. Do not register online.


Fees will be applied to student accounts after September 15 based on the free and reduced status for the current School Year. 

Parents who believe their families may qualify for the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch can apply online after July 1. 

Returning Student Registration Steps

1. Log into the PowerSchool Parent portal and click “Forms” in the left menu to open the first page of returning student registration.

2. Be sure to submit each page in the bottom right corner.

3. The Transportation Page is the final step of the registration process and will appear as "pending" initially, which allows you to make changes specifically to this page. Your registration is considered complete when all other sections are finalized, as indicated by a green checkmark ✅.

PowerSchool Registration Guide


New Student Registration Steps

Step 1: Pre-Registration

Start the registration for a new student by completing the online Pre-Registration form. If your student is a current attendee at any Hawthorn school or the Lincoln Early Learning Center, please refer to the returning student registration process.

Online Pre-Registration Form

Step 2: Confirm Residency

All Hawthorn School District 73 students must be verified residents of the district, as mandated by Illinois Law. We use a third-party service for automatic address verification. No further documentation is required if your address is successfully verified. If verification fails, our Registrars will reach out to you for additional proof of residency to ensure your child's enrollment for the school year. Please refer to our Proof of Residency Requirements page for more information.

Step 3: Complete Online Registration via PowerSchool

After pre-registering, new families will be emailed instructions to schedule an in-person appointment with the district registrar. Please bring the child's original birth certificate and a valid photo ID (ID/passport/driver's license) to your appointment at the Hawthorn District Office, 841 West End Court, Vernon Hills, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. Allocate at least 45 minutes for this meeting.

During your appointment, you'll finalize your child's registration through a provided link in your pre-registration approval email. Create or log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account to complete the process. If adding a new child to an existing account, use the Access ID and Password provided (instructions below).

(English) Adding a New Student to Parent Portal

(Spanish) Adding a New Student to Parent Portal

Registration is not complete until steps 1-3 are completed. Prompt completion is essential for the district's school-year preparations.

Step 4: Pay Registration Fees

Fees will not be collected at the time of registration. Fees will be added to the Parent PowerSchool portal after September 15. Please refer to our Student Fees page for more information.

Do you anticipate needing assistance with fees? Apply for Free/Reduced status after July 1. 

Financial Assistance

Step 5: Turn-in Required Health Forms

Illinois mandates specific health documents for school enrollment, signed by both the health provider and the parent/guardian. Students lacking these forms by October 15 will face exclusion from school as per state law. For enrollments post-October 15, forms must be submitted within 30 days.

If your child has health needs, please inform the school nurse and fill out the necessary health management forms available on our School Health Forms page or through your school nurse.

Health Forms and Requirements (English)

Health Forms and Requirements (Spanish)


Please contact the Registrar at 847-990-4200.


Digital Learning Agreement

Click the link below to view Hawthorn's Digital Learning Agreement, which outlines acceptable use of district devices, networks, and any fees associated with lost or damaged equipment.

(English) Digital Learning Agreement

(Spanish) Digital Learning Agreement